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Mario Python Cheatsheet

Mario Python Cheatsheet

The Python cheatsheet I wish I had when I first started learning Python.

Table of Contents


When I first started learning Python, I found myself constantly Googling the basics. I’d make a little progress here and there, but found myself stuff stuck on simple, quick items. I think it’s because a lot of examples use random numbers and lists, etc. that didn’t stick with me. As a huge Nintendo and Mario fan, I created this fun cheatsheet that explains Python concepts using examples from Mario Bros.

Python Cheatsheet

Data Types

# Numbers
coins = 42 # integer
jump_height = 3.14 # float
star_power = 1 + 2j # complex number
# Strings
character = "Mario" # can use single or double quotes
mario_quote = """
It's-a me,
# Booleans
has_mushroom = True
is_small = False
# None type
empty_block = None # represents absence of value


# Basic assignment
lives = 3
player_name = "Luigi"
# Multiple assignment
coins, stars, mushrooms = 100, 5, 2
# Variable naming rules:
mario_bros = "OK" # Can use letters, numbers, underscores
_princess = "OK" # Can start with underscore
1up = "NOT VALID" # Cannot start with number


# Arithmetic
coins + bonus_coins # Addition
lives - damage # Subtraction
coins * multiplier # Multiplication
points / divisor # Division
coins // bowser # Floor division
score % high_score # Modulus (remainder)
mushroom ** power_up # Exponentiation
# Comparison
mario == luigi # Equal to
bowser != peach # Not equal to
score > high_score # Greater than
coins < target # Less than
points >= threshold # Greater than or equal to
lives <= max_lives # Less than or equal to
# Logical
has_star and has_flower # True if both are true
has_mushroom or is_fire # True if at least one is true
not is_small # Inverts boolean value

String Operations

# String concatenation
character = "Mario"
action = "jumps"
message = character + " " + action # "Mario jumps"
# String methods
name = "bowser"
name.upper() # "BOWSER"
name.capitalize() # "Bowser"
name.replace('b', 'w') # "wowser"
# String formatting
character = "Mario"
coins = 99
# f-strings (Python 3.6+)
print(f"{character} collected {coins} coins!")
# String slicing
world = "World 1-1"
world[0] # 'W'
world[0:5] # 'World'
world[-3:] # '1-1'

Basic List Operations

# Creating lists
characters = ["Mario", "Luigi", "Peach", "Yoshi"]
inventory = ["Mushroom", 3, "Star", True]
# List operations
characters.append("Toad") # Add to end
characters.pop() # Remove and return last item
characters.insert(0, "Wario") # Insert at specific position
len(characters) # Get length of list
# List slicing
mario_bros = characters[0:2] # Get first two elements
reversed_chars = characters[::-1] # Reverse the list


# Creating tuples (immutable lists)
coordinates = (3, 5) # Mario's position in level
pipe_location = (100, 200, "Underground")
single_item = (1,) # Need comma for single-item tuple
# Accessing tuple elements
x, y = coordinates # Tuple unpacking
world_coords = pipe_location[:2] # First two elements
# Common tuple operations
len(pipe_location) # Number of elements
"Underground" in pipe_location # Check if value exists
mario_pos = coordinates + (0,) # Combine tuples


# Creating dictionaries
character_stats = {
"Mario": {"lives": 3, "coins": 0, "power": "Fire"},
"Luigi": {"lives": 3, "coins": 0, "power": "None"}
power_ups = {
"Mushroom": "Super Mario",
"Fire Flower": "Fire Mario",
"Star": "Invincible"
# Accessing and modifying
mario_lives = character_stats["Mario"]["lives"]
power_ups["Ice Flower"] = "Ice Mario" # Add new item
del power_ups["Mushroom"] # Remove item
# Dictionary methods
all_powers = power_ups.keys()
power_effects = power_ups.values()
power_items = power_ups.items() # Get key-value pairs
# Check if key exists
if "Star" in power_ups:
print("Star power available!")


# Creating sets (unique items only)
available_characters = {"Mario", "Luigi", "Peach", "Yoshi"}
unlocked_worlds = {1, 2, 3}
# Set operations
# Set mathematics
player1_items = {"Mushroom", "Star", "Coin"}
player2_items = {"Flower", "Mushroom", "Shell"}
both_have = player1_items & player2_items # Intersection
all_items = player1_items | player2_items # Union
unique_to_player1 = player1_items - player2_items # Difference

Basic Functions

# Defining a function
def power_up(character):
return f"{character} got a Super Star!"
# Function with default parameter
def collect_coins(amount=100):
return f"Collected {amount} coins!"
# Function with multiple parameters
def calculate_score(coins, time_left):
return coins * time_left
# Calling functions
power_up("Mario") # "Mario got a Super Star!"
collect_coins() # "Collected 100 coins!"
calculate_score(50, 120) # 6000

For Loops

# Basic for loop
for character in ["Mario", "Luigi", "Peach"]:
print(f"{character} is ready to play!")
# Range-based for loop
for world in range(1, 9):
print(f"Starting World {world}")
# Looping through dictionaries
for character, stats in character_stats.items():
print(f"{character} has {stats['lives']} lives")
# Enumerate for index and value
for level, boss in enumerate(["Bowser Jr", "Kamek", "Bowser"], 1):
print(f"Level {level} Boss: {boss}")

While Loops

# Basic while loop
lives = 3
while lives > 0:
print(f"Lives remaining: {lives}")
lives -= 1
# Break and continue
coins = 0
while True:
coins += 1
if coins == 50:
print("Got a 1-Up!")
if coins >= 100:
print("Extra life earned!")
# Game-style loop
player_power = "Small"
while player_power != "Super":
print("Looking for mushroom...")
found_item = "Mushroom" # Simulated item find
if found_item == "Mushroom":
player_power = "Super"
print("Power up!")

Putting It All together

Here’s an example to tie everything together.

# Track Mario's progress through a level
def play_level(level_number):
player = {
"character": "Mario",
"power": "Small",
"coins": 0,
"position": 0
obstacles = [
("Goomba", 50),
("Pipe", 100),
("Koopa", 150),
("Flag", 200)
for obstacle, position in obstacles:
player["position"] = position
if obstacle == "Flag":
print("Level Complete!")
print(f"Encountered {obstacle} at position {position}")
if player["power"] == "Small":
print("Better find a mushroom!")
# Level progression system
worlds = {
1: {"levels": 4, "unlocked": True},
2: {"levels": 4, "unlocked": False},
3: {"levels": 4, "unlocked": False}
for world_num, world_info in worlds.items():
if not world_info["unlocked"]:
print(f"World {world_num}")
for level in range(1, world_info["levels"] + 1):
print(f"Playing level {world_num}-{level}")

Final Thoughts

  • Use meaningful variable names - player_lives is better than pl

  • Use comments to explain WHY, not WHAT (the code should be self-explanatory)

  • Start with simple built-in functions before moving to complex libraries

  • Practice using the interactive Python shell (REPL) to test small code snippets

Remember, everyone begins with the basics. I’m a big believer in learning the fundamentals before branching out to more advanced topics. Coding has never been my strongest skill so practice and persistence are key. More to come as I have some fun project ideas in mind for 2025!